Meet the Freedom Institute Team: Rachel Russell, MA, Chief Clinical Officer

From the day that Freedom Institute was founded in 1976 by Mona Mansell, we have led the way in the highest quality and most effective clinical programming for substance use disorders for individuals and families, in staff development, prevention science, continuing education, integrity and ethics. In addition, we have always placed a high priority on strong and compassionate leadership.

We are fortunate to have as our Chief Clinical Officer, a leader who personifies all that Freedom Institute stands for.  Meet Rachel Russell, MA, who has been at Freedom Institute since 2007.

What brought you to this work?

It has always been important to me to do work that has meaning. You’re only on this ride once, so you might as well try to make the most of it and have an impact while you’re here.  I was lucky enough to discover Freedom Institute through a friend.

What keeps you in this work?

Seeing recovery happen in real time. And being connected to a community of caring, compassionate people.

What do appreciate about working at Freedom Institute?

More than anything, I value being part of such a great team. Folks here are so genuine, so smart, so committed to helping others, and are really good to each other. We also have some very funny people on our team, and humor makes everything more enjoyable.

What do you do in your spare time?

Hang out with my family — we laugh a lot together, spin classes, yoga, “girl time” with my closest friends, watch soccer, and I’m always reading at least two books at once.

For more information about Freedom Institute, please call us at 212-838-0044 or email us at


Meet the Freedom Institute Team: Tessa Kleeman, LMHC


Freedom Institute Launches a New Afternoon Intensive Outpatient Program