Freedom Institute

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A Celebration of Partnership, Progress, Friends, and Colleagues

On May 16th, Freedom Institute opened our doors to celebrate a myriad of successes, starting with: our partnership with Silver Hill Hospital; the introduction of Andrew Tatarsky, PhD as Director of Clinical Programming; and the expansion of Freedom Institute programming to embrace the harm reduction model, while remaining strong in our abstinence-based programs.  Speaking at the event were Andrew J. Gerber, MD, PhD, President and Medical Director of Silver Hill Hospital; Ryan Wade, MD, Freedom Institute Medical Director and Director of Addiction Services at Silver Hill Hospital; and Andrew Tatarsky, PhD, who introduced the Freedom team.  

Thank you to all who were able to attend.  We hope to see you again soon at an upcoming event. In the meantime, enjoy the photos! 

For all, if you have any questions about Freedom Institute, and our programs and services, please contact our Senior Admissions Coordinator, Kristin Waite-Labott, here (on the left) at the Open House with Christi Myers, Freedom Institute Art Therapist